06 March 2009

NinjaMedic State Paramedic Credential Examination

KF- Thought I would take a stab at this...

Are you a good problem solver?
I feel like I am. I tend to take a systematic approach to it. Looking at it from all angles and being sure to find the very best solution- 1/2 the time. The other 1/2, I wing it and go with my gut instinct.

Can you concentrate for long periods of time?
I can, but it is difficult. I have to have music to concentrate. It takes my mind off of everything else and allows me to really hone in on what I'm doing.

Are you a perfectionist? 
Most definitely not. If it works, and works well, its cool by me. It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it gets the job done. What-so-ever 'it' may be.

Do you persevere with your interests?
Sure. When I am interested in it, I go for it.

Are you an avid reader?
Not really. Once in a while I will get into a book or series of books that I really get involved in. But it is rare. A Book has to really capture my attention. My favorite author is Ted Dekker.
Do you have a vivid imagination? 
Oh yes! I can entertain myself for hours on end imagining what happens when I leave a room or whatnot.

Do you enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles?
Eh, I used to as a kid, and kinda still do a little. I get bored with them very easily now for some reason.

Often connect seemingly unrelated ideas?
This is kind of strange and personal, but every night before I go to bed, a thought will pop in my head, and from that thought, literally 100 more thoughts come up in my mind. Stranger than that, before I go to sleep, I have to back trace every thought all the way back to the original.

Do you enjoy paradoxes?
I love them. They are a real workout for the brain. I can literally feel the muscles in my head moving and doing some hardcore cardio and wight resistance. Heavy stuff.

Do you set high standards for yourself?
I do, but I often set them unattainably high, and then I get really let down when I am not able to achieve those goals.

Do you have a good long-term memory?
Yes. I remember the soft, warm fuzzy feeling I had when I was but a fetus. Seriously, though. Yeah. Just the other day I was wondering not that but why i remember seemingly pointless things about my childhood. Little conversations I had with my friends. Things I said when I was 6 years old to my classmates that I wish I could take back because they sound so utterly stupid. It's amazing how the mind works...

Are you deeply compassionate?
I really am. I am compassionate and sentimental. I put up a hard front, but things do really get to me underneath the surface.

Do you have persistent curiosity?
Sometimes, about certain things.

Do you have a good sense of humor?
Yeah, you have to in this business. 

Are you a keen observer?
I try to be.

Do you love mathematics?
Not really. I mean, I don't do math problems for fun - I use it when I have to, but I don't do it for recreation

Do you need periods of contemplation?
Yeah. I love coming home in the afternoon after hours upon hours of bull upon bull dealing with the worlds problems, and just grabbing a beer, and sitting on the porch, staring off into the treeline behind my house, drinking my beer, and smoking a few cigarettes. It is then, I can relax and contemplate my day, and the deeper things of life.

Do you search for meaning in your life?
Not really, I have found meaning. I have a wonderful God who put me here to accomplish His purpose. I have a great career that I love going to every morning. I have the best family a guy could ask for. That is the meaning of life, right there. I am joyful in every situation. I may not be happy, but I have joy.

Are you aware of things that others are not?

I have always had a sort of sixth sense about things. I can always smell fear, deception and worry in a person. I always know when something is bothering someone.

Are you fascinated by words?
Yes, some words I over analyze and end up repeating so many times they start to sound stupid, like they aren't even real words, like stop. Say 'stop' 150 times and see if it still sounds like a part of the English vocabulary.

Are you highly sensitive?
To what?

Do you have strong moral convictions?

Do you often feel out-of-sync with others?
Yes. I often feel like nobody 'gets' me or understand where I'm coming from.

Are you perceptive or insightful?

Do you often question rules or authority?
Yeah. If I feel a rule in unjust or an authority figure is overstepping their bounds, oh yeah.

Do you have organized collections?

Do you thrive on challenge?
Why yes, I do.

Do you have extraordinary abilities and deficits?
I like to think I am extraordinarily charming, good looking, musical, funny, good-smelling, nice, witty, etc and so forth.

Do you learn new things rapidly?
I learn the idea almost instantly. It may, however, take me a minute to grasp the details.

Feel overwhelmed by many interests/abilities?
Not overwhelmed, but I do have many interests and abilities. I love paramedicine, I work full time in EMS, I volunteer with a local rescue squad. I play guitar, I play the bass, I am an amateur photographer, I love to cook, I write poetry, I am a twitterer, I have this blogspot, I love computers and technology and the internet, I design websites, I'm on MySpace, I'm the father of a 12 month old. OK, maybe I am a bit overwhelmed... whew! 

Do you have a great deal of energy?
I think I have an average amount of energy.

Often take a stand against injustice?
All the time. If I see something that I perceive to be 'wrong', I speak up and I don't shut up until someone notices and takes action.

Do you feel driven by your creativity?
Yes. Nothing gets me going more than the thought of creating something new.

Love ideas and ardent discussion?

Did you have developmentally advanced childhood?
I was reading by the time I was 2 1/2 . I was in kindergarten for three days before they promoted me to 1st grade. I won several grammar/vocabulary/spelling awards. So yeah, I guess I did. It all went downhill after the 4th grade though... family issues causes one to be less studious at times.

Have unusual ideas or perceptions?
Remarkably so...

Are you a complex person?
I think 'multifaceted' would be more appropriate than 'complex'.


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